On December 17th, students from the Else Lasker-Schüler Gesamtschule were able to present their texts and poems in a Christmas atmosphere at the Café of the Alte Feuerwache in Wuppertal. The seven poets from a total of five countries had been meeting regularly for several weeks to write poetic texts together. They moved the audience with entertaining, diverse, and emotional performances, partly in their native language and partly in German. Afterwards, Aleksander R. Warzecha read the translations where necessary. During the concluding Arabic buffet, the audience and poets seized the opportunity to engage in conversation with each other. We extend our thanks to the Alte Feuerwache, the poets, Milly van Mil, and Niklas Krämer for their heartfelt dedication.
Alte Feuerwache Wuppertal
17.12.2018, 6:00 PM · Alte Feuerwache Wuppertal · Wuppertal