1. The purpose of the The Poetry Project e.V. is to promote the education of young immigrants and refugees in and out of school through poetry workshops in schools, especially those with “Welcoming Classes,” and in integration initiatives; to promote international understanding through intercultural exchange between German civil society and young immigrants and refugees through public readings followed by discussions, public exhibitions and publications; to convey the importance of poetry as a means of communication in immigrants’ and refugees’ countries of origin; and to promote aid for refugees through autobiographical writing.
2. The Poetry Project e.V. pursues exclusively and directly charitable goals in accordance with the section "tax-exempt purposes" of the German Tax Code.
3. The Poetry Project e.V. is non-profit making; it does not primarily pursue its own economic interests.
4. The funds of The Poetry Project e.V.may only be used for the purposes set out in the articles of association. Members shall not receive any allowances from The Poetry Project e.V.’s funds.
5. No person may be compensated for expenses that are unconnected to the purpose of the The Poetry Project e.V. nor receive disproportionately high remuneration.