After one of the first readings of The Poetry Project took place in the Buchhändlerkeller, our now seasoned poets had the opportunity to return to this special place in early July.

As a house for literature, the Buchhändlerkeller (Bookstore cellar), which is "neither a bookstore nor a cellar," is run with great dedication by volunteers. The artistic atmosphere of the ground floor of a noble Gründerzeit house, as well as the engaged audience, allowed for an intimate reading that received very positive feedback. Once again, actor Matthias Scherwenikas lent his voice to the German translations, providing a lively interpretation of the lyrical works and creating a compelling reading experience.

After Robina Karimi, Rachel Ulrich, Shahzamir Hataki, and Ali Alzaeem shared their texts about belonging, language, and frustration with politics with the audience, a dialogue between the audience and the performers followed.

We thank Heinz Balzer from the Buchhändlerkeller, the highly interested audience, Matthias Scherwenikas, and the poets!

Moderation: Theresa Rüger