In mid-May, we had the opportunity to travel to Dresden to participate in a special reading event. As part of the campaign “Connect Diversity – Rave Against Racism,” we had the chance to present our texts at Kashay Salon in Dresden's Neustadt, alongside several musical performances. The initiative sends a strong message in support of a lived culture of welcome and inclusion, creating spaces for positive encounters. Especially in the lead-up to the European elections and the upcoming state elections in Saxony, Thuringia, and Brandenburg, “Connect Diversity” actively positions itself against stereotypes and racist mindsets.
This time, the reading featured Rojin Namer, Shahzamir Hataki, Mariia Kaziun, and Abdulsalam Atto, who presented their impressive texts. The German translations were read by Rojin. Following the reading, there was extensive dancing to the sets of Aio, panorama, DaSimurghb2b Radio Marrakech, and Krawalle & Liebe. The next day, we took the opportunity to explore Dresden together before heading back to Berlin.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to “Connect Diversity” and Dominik Djialeu for the invitation and the fantastic event!